Dundee Kilt Walk 2018 in aid of BBS

Posted on August 22, 2018

Liam Wilkie, Kilmac's Contract Manager said the following:

In total there were around just over 3000 folk took part this year in the event, with Wilkies Warriors registering a team of 72No people supporting BBSUK in aid of Caitlin.

A large number from Kilmac took part for Wilkie Warriors (14No plus some of their partners / friends) and in total our team managed to raise £11,263.00 with some donation still to come in. When you add on the gift aid and the 40% the Kiltwalk give you towards your charity, it pushes the total for the walk up to an amazing £18k raised.

Everyone enjoyed the walk despite testing conditions at the start and end, with everyone either doing the 11 mile or 25 mile walk. Everyone from Kilmac completed the walk (with a few blisters and sore bits en route!) and we are so proud of everyone of them for their efforts.

All the funds raised as part of the walk go towards BBSUK, the only registered UK charity for Bardet Biedl Syndrome, a rare genetic condition affecting only just over 500 people in the UK. So far this year, including the Kiltwalk, we have managed to raise £61k which is surreal as the charity usually only brings in approx £10-15k of donations / sponsorship per year, so we have managed to completely smash this and give them so much more to designate to gene therapy which is hopefully only 3 years away from being trialed on humans to prevent the loss of eye sight element that the syndrome unfortunately brings.

My little girl Caitlin is only 3 and is already suffering from loss of vision in dim light, but my hope is that the more I can raise to put towards the gene therapy, the faster they can push it through the final testing and legalities and the faster they can use it on human trials. My only hope is that it is pushed through in time to prevent Caitlin going blind in her early childhood.

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